PCI HOME CARE GROUP, Inc. is a privately held corporation based in the 5 boroughs of NYC namely: Manhattan, Brooklyn ( King’s County), The Bronx, Queens, Staten Island ( Richmond ) and Westchester County.
PCI Home Care Group, Inc. was established in 1997 amidst ever increasing costs of health care, lack of competent & compassionate caregivers and an increase in the aging population. With these in mind, the company decided to join the home health care industry. PCI Home Care Group, Inc. remains focused on making a difference in caring for its clients at home.
Commitment to Excellence
PCI Home Care Group, Inc. continues to strive for excellence through highly skilled professionals & certified, trained para-professionals. We are committed to promoting empowerment, advocacy, trust & respect for our clients & their caregivers. The company aims for inclusion & diversity in its hiring & staffing practices.
Meeting Clients’ Needs
PCI Home Care Group, Inc. provides home care services in Bronx, New York, to its clients by doing initial then ongoing assessments to ensure that their unique needs are recognized & met. An individual Plan of Care is established for each client specific to their needs & concerns & updated based on current NYS rules & regulations.
Non-Discrimination Policy
The company promotes equality in providing home care services, employment opportunities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 & the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, with services, programs and/or benefits to be equally provided without regard for religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, color, race, age or ethnic background.
Mission Statement
PCI Home Care Group, Inc.’s mission is to provide all our clients quality in-home care services assisted by qualified, certified & competent professionals & para-professionals as caregivers. We aim to ensure their safety & well being in the comfort of their own homes. The company’s mission is to provide quality in-home care Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and personal care services to clients with the aid of professional & para-professional staff.
Vision Statement
We aim for our company to become a preferred choice of home care in the state of New York by providing quality care services to our clients with our professional carers ready to assist them with their activities of daily living.
Got Any Questions?
Do you have any concerns about our services? Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.